Smart Technologies Investment

Smart Technologies Investment

Been Pioneer in Middle East Investment markets, one truly successful, modern and innovative, Green Field Holding has no role models to look up too, we are the one making industry standards and we are the one others look up too, or call for advice. As such we have chosen to work always with new cutting-edge technologies and we are aiming to implement S.M.A.R.T. solutions on all levels. 

We do not mean only simple solutions as “intelligent housing” or “smart systems”, we are thinking more in a way of artificial intelligence present in our whole surrounding, working for our benefit everyday 

S.M.A.R.T. short for Self-Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology. The technologies that are capable to adapt automatically and modify behavior to fit environment, senses things with technology sensors, this providing data to analyze and infer from, drawing conclusions from rules.  Smart solutions address environmental, societal, and economic challenges like limited resources, climate change, population ageing, and globalization. For that reason, increasingly been used in many sectors. Key sectors in this context are transportation, healthcare, energy, safety and security, logistics, ICT, and manufacturing.